Original 4.68 Large - Thruster set (black)

Original 4.68 Large - Thruster set (black)


The Original: a 4.68-inch Tom Curren fin from 1990.

This evolved after I made Tom the famous 6’9” trials-to-title board on which he won Santa Cruz and Bells to kick off that legendary campaign. The board had glassed-on five-inch fins and Tom felt they could be smaller. He came into the factory with the board, straight from testing, still in his wetsuit, and got to work with the sandpaper, reducing the fin set’s size to 4.5. He did an amazing job, the board went much better, and I immediately took a template from the set.

That became the MC fin - now available in 4.5 and 4.68”.

These fins are limited edition and only available through MC Surfboards Australia and the USA.

Price includes delivery within Australia.

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I have looked at and tried a lot of fins over the last 30 years but the original templates still work insane...especially now we have G10 to build them from. So what is G10 and why is it superior to other fin materials? G10 is a fin panel material built from 60 layers of 2oz cloth, compressed with epoxy resin. It’s the stuff used in the best big gun/tow fins. The material is like rock with flex; you can have much thinner fins but with more precise foils. RCJ and I have used these materials for over 15 years and developed fins that do not cavitate at high speeds and actually enhance the board’s performance. It’s a bit like the difference between standard car tyres and racing rubber - kind of a different world.

G10 plus classic templates, it’s a great recipe.